Skincare Ingredients You Should Avoid in Clean Beauty Products

Clean beauty offers an ethical, safer way to care for skin. Additionally, this movement offers more options for people with different types of sensitivities or needs.

But “clean” and “natural” can be deceiving; up to 60 percent of what you apply topically gets into your bloodstream, so ingredients matter greatly.

Natural Ingredients


As clean beauty involves the avoidance of harsh chemicals, many consumers also strive to find products containing naturally-derived ingredients. But not always better: components derived from plants and animals may still contain toxic materials which pose harm to both you and the environment – poison ivy, apple seeds laced with cyanide and synthetic sunscreen are just a few examples of such ingredients that may prove toxic.

Clean beauty has played an essential role in increasing sustainable skincare options. When searching for eco-friendly beauty products, look for brands with eco-friendly packaging, ethical sourcing practices, and non-toxic green ingredients as your priority.

Though “natural” is unregulated, it typically refers to skincare products derived from plant or animal-derived ingredients and free from synthetic substances. Some natural beauty products may still contain synthetic components or may not come from sustainable sources – palm oil for instance is often harvested from rainforests which contributes to deforestation and habitat endangerment; other unsustainable ingredients found include phosphates that leach into water systems causing eutrophication or dead zones as well as microplastics consumed by marine life.

No Parabens

Clean beauty movement is growing at an astonishing rate due to consumer demands for more transparent and safer products. 60-70% of what goes onto our skin makes its way directly into our bloodstream, so choosing nontoxic skincare options is essential for overall wellness.

Parabens, chemical preservatives that may disrupt hormones, promote cancer and cause skin irritation, are used in many skincare and body care products as an effective way of prolonging shelf life; however, some clean beauty brands opt to replace them with safer ingredients like rosemary extract or caprylyl glycol for greater shelf stability.

Clean beauty skincare should also be free from other “bad” chemicals, including talc (linked to ovarian cysts), carcinogenic fragrances and hormone-disrupting parabens like methyl, propyl, isobutyl and butylene parabens. Unfortunately, since cosmetics don’t need to be approved before hitting store shelves there may still be toxic products on shelves that don’t meet this standard – reading labels and looking for natural, organic and clean options is key in finding quality skincare brands so you can make informed decisions for your body!

No Sulfates

Sulfates are detergents used to create lather and foam in beauty products such as cleansers, shampoos and soaps. Although effective at creating lather, sulfates have also been linked with skin allergies and irritation when used over a long period. Furthermore, sulfates have also been linked to hormonal imbalances and may harm the barrier function of your skin barrier function.

Sulfate-free cleansers are essential components of non-toxic beauty routines, and brands like Glossier and African black soap offer gentle cleansing without harshness. Furthermore, these types of cleanser can often reduce scalp dryness and itching for added relief.

Clean beauty is all about choosing non-toxic ingredients that are beneficial to both you and the environment, including avoiding toxic substances like synthetic fragrances, phthalates, parabens and sulfates that have been linked with health issues like cancer and endocrine disruption. Because up to 60 percent of what goes on your skin ends up in your bloodstream, eliminating toxic chemicals is key for long-term good health.

No Phthalates

Phthalates are synthetic chemicals derived from esters of phthalic acid and can be found in things like vinyl flooring, toys, cosmetics and nail polish–even shampoo or perfume! Unfortunately they’re often unwittingly present.

These chemicals are considered weak endocrine disruptors, meaning they can mimic or block hormones and cause reproductive issues, obesity and breast cancer. Furthermore, these chemical compounds have also been linked to asthma and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder – making them especially concerning for pregnant women and children.skincare

Thanks to decades of research, phthalates are less prevalent today in beauty products; however, they still can be found in cosmetics and household cleaners – and no law requires that their presence be listed on product labels.

Phthalates are widely used as preservatives in beauty products to increase shelf life by inhibiting bacterial growth. Since there are safer alternatives available to them, clean beauty brands typically opt for them instead.

No Animal Testing

As an animal-loving consumer, it’s essential that you remain conscious when purchasing products. Look out for cruelty-free brands which clearly label themselves. Cruelty-free companies won’t conduct animal tests that involve burning skin, applying chemicals directly or performing inhalation tests on them – these standards apply whether vegan or not.

Most countries, including Norway, South Korea and the European Union have prohibited cosmetic animal testing; however, many companies still employ this practice as proof that their products are safe for consumers. Unfortunately, animals suffering side effects of animal testing often face death in due course.

To avoid products tested on animals, look out for the Leaping Bunny logo – this sign ensures a product has not been subjected to animal testing. Furthermore, try and purchase skincare from brands who do not sell in countries which require testing – supporting cruelty-free beauty brands will have an immediate and long-term positive effect on helping companies adopt more ethical practices while saving money by switching to natural, eco-friendly brands.

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